The development and cost of renewable energy resources in Vietnam

The development and cost of renewable energy resources in Vietnam

Bài báo do nhóm tác giả: Nguyen Phuong Anh, Malcolm Abbott, Nguyen Thi Thanh Loan; Trường Đại Học công nghiệp Hà Nội, Trường Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Được đăng tải trên tạp chí Utilities Policy

Abstract: Vietnam has abundant natural resources, but a high vulnerability to climate change. The Vietnamese government, therefore, has avddeclared its intention to encourage clean energy development. To achieve this, the cost of renewables needs to be competitive with fossil fuels. The purpose of this paper is to review past studies of the levelised international costs for various renewable energy resources and compare them to the costs of renewables in Vietnam. In Vietnam, there is evidence that the cost of non-hydro renewables has fallen in recent years, as they have internationally, making them more viable. In the Vietnamese case, however, the potential for growth in the use of non-hydro renewables is impeded by the low cost of hydropower, which constitutes a significant barrier to the introduction of non-hydro renewables in the short to medium terms..

Keywords: Renewable energy resources, Production costs, The levelised cost of electricity

Vietnam's power industry


  • Thứ Hai, 21:56 11/03/2019


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