A solemn opening ceremony for “2014 Skilled Mechanic contest for workers of industrial and export processing zones in Hanoi” was held at Hanoi University of Industry in the morning of September 26th, 2014. Contesters are 34 excellent workers representing for 138.000 ones in industrial and export processing zones.
In his speech at the ceremony, Dinh Quoc Toan, President of the Trade Union of Industrial and Export Processing Zones in Hanoi said that
34 most excellent contesters were selected after nearly a 3 month internal contests. There are 20 candidates competing in the Metal Cutting skills with CNC Lathes and 14 others in Cutting skills with CNC Milling Machines. The skills will be evaluated based on the Theory and Practice tests.
Dr. Pham Van Bong spoke at the ceremony
On behalf of HaUI, Vice president Dr. Pham Van Bong said that the university will cooperate with the Trade Union of industrial and export processing zones in Hanoi to provide candidates with favourable conditions during the contest.
It is a fact that metal cutting on CNC is quite popular in the world, but rather new in Vietnam. The contest, therefore, offers a good opportunity for training centres to enhance their training, share experience and properly assess the development of human resources in this area.
The Center for Vocational skill assessment and enterprise partnership, Haui, which has recently been recognized as the sole center for National Vocational skill assessment by the ministry of Labour, Invalid and Social Affairs, and the modern and synchronous infrastructure will be the valid foundation for the success of the contest.
Thứ Sáu, 11:07 26/09/2014
Bản quyền thuộc về Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội