In the afternoon of 26.04.2012, in Hall 2nd Floor,Zone A, the school organization review and 5S awarded the 3rd week in Hanoi University of Industry with the theme:"5S theory in the classroom."
On behalf of the 5SCommittee,Mr. HaXuanQuang-review the resultsachieved inthe schoolweek5S, namely:
-5S3rdWeekwas heldat the schoolhas createda major change,classrooms,common areasand roomsin the universityworkclean,neat andtidy.
-The schoolhas welcomedvisitors fromaround 60companiesand 09universitiesand collegesunder the Ministryof Trade and Industryvisited,the5Sandthe openingweeks oftheassessment teamto visittheclassroom.
-Promoteactivitieswithnearly 400CBGV5SandHSSVof 21schools undertheMinistryof Trade and Industryattended theskilltestat theMinistryof Trade and Industry.
-TheCommittee'sevaluation teamheld a5-58classroomassessment isdistributed inthreefacilities:abasis-ZoneA,base 2-AreaB,base3 -HaNam.
-100% staffs in the signed commitment to 5S and ongoing commitment to signing the entire students.
- Implement thepromotionand propagationof5S.Moststudentswhen asked about5Sis awareof thebasics.Some units arewellmaintained5SactivitiesasForeign LanguageDepartment, Faculty ofTechnologyMay...and someunitshavea positive changeinthe 3rdweekas5SAutomotive TechnologyDepartment, Faculty of Electrical...
-Thestudentadvocacyorganizationfor troops5Sactivitiesandspecificactivities, practical.
Committeeheld5Sawarded certificates of meritand rewardgoodperformanceunits5Sweek:
A.Prize:ScienceandTechnologyFashion DesignMay.
Two.Second Place: Department ofAutomotive Technology.
3.Third prize:DepartmentElectrical
4.Solutionimplementation class5Sbest:fashion designclassesMay12,lock 12, Facultyof TechnologyandFashion DesignMaybyteachersteachingNguyen QuynhMai.
5.PropagategoodsolutionbelongsYouth,SchoolStudent Association.
On behalf of the 5S Committee, Mr. Ha Xuan Quang congratulated the winners and look forward to staffs, students whole schoo lget together to maintain goodhand 5S activitiesto achieve the goal of improving the quality of training and skills labor productivity in the field; striving to bring Hanoi University of Industry to become the greenest universities in Vietnam.
Thứ Hai, 15:42 07/05/2012
Bản quyền thuộc về Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội