After a week of implementation, in two days 14 and 15th August 2015, Hanoi University of Industry organized the closing ceremony for 3 courses: Mechanical Design in Solid Works Environment, Industrial Communication Networks and Microcontroller Application in Machine Control.
Closing session of Microcontroller Application in Machine Control.
These 3 training sessions involve students from the University of Economics and Industrial Engineering, Viet Tri University of Industry, Ho Chi Minh Vocational College of Technology, Dong Nai Vocational College of Mechanics and Irrigation, Sao Do University, Ho Chi Minh University of Industry and participants who are teachers of HaUI. 100% of participants have achieved good evaluations, qualified for course completion certificate. In general, attendants have good assessment and comments on physical facilities for learning, attitudes and professional teaching skills of lecturers.
In the near future, Hanoi University of Industry will continue to organize short-term training for 3 fields which are Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Engineering to meet the learning needs as well as foster and improve knowledge of technical teachers of vocational training in Vietnam.
Thứ Hai, 17:34 17/08/2015
Bản quyền thuộc về Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội