Prof.Dr. Pham Vu Luan – member of Central Committee of Vietnamese Comunist Party, Secretary of the Party Commission, Minister of Education and Training, Dr. Tran Tuan Anh, member of Central Committee of Vietnamese Comunist Party, member of the Party Commission, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, together with representatives from agencies, authorities, enterprises, and organizations attended the opening ceremony of the universtiy’s new school year 2014-2015 at the campus No.1.
Minister Pham Vu Luan made a speech at the opening ceremony for the new school year 2014-2015.
With its 116 year of development history, HaUI has affirmed its prestige as a leading university in practical application and learner-centered training method with a wide range of training fields and levels.
At the ceremony, Minister of Education and Training Pham Vu Luan expressed his high appreciation for HaUI, which has a long traditional history, positive changes in training, scientific research activities. He also praised efforts of the whole staff and student generations. Mr. Luan also hoped that the lecturers and students would promote its long tradition, pioneer the renovation in teaching and learning methods, constantly improve the traning quality to meet the social demand. With its long tradition and achievements in training and scientific research, Mr.Luan believed that HaUI would continue to gain great development and success in the academic year 2014-2015.
HaUI President, Dr. Tran Duc Quy, thanked for the support and encouragement from the local and central authorities.
On behalf of the university, President Dr. Tran Duc Quy showed his thanks for the Minister’s encouragement and support. He added that the whole HaUI staffs determined to enhance the achieved value and results, and appropriately apply the Resolution no.29 on the thorough renovation in education and training issued by Vietnamese Communist Party Central Committee in the coming period. Mr. Quy hopes to continuously receive the support and guidance from ministries, branches, and local authorities to retain its social reputation, thereby contributing to the development of the national education and training.
On this occasion, HaUI was pleased to receive 325 milion VND from enteprises, agencies and organizations nationwide supporting for its Nguyen Thanh Binh Study Encouragement Fund. This showed the great social concern for HaUI, and also an inspiration for its efforts in teaching, learning, and contributing to national prospect.
Some pictures of the 2014-2015 Opening ceremony
Dr. Tran Duc Quy gave a brief introduction about the university at the room of traditions.
Minister Pham Vu Luan at Vietnam-Japan Center.
Workshop at Haui-Foxcom Center.
Minister planted a commemorative tree
View of the 2014-2015 opening ceremony at the multi-purpose hall.
Thứ Sáu, 07:41 24/10/2014
Bản quyền thuộc về Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội