Short-term Courses on Basic Mechanical Maintenance Organized

On 12-16 March and 9-13 April 2012, two short-term courses on basic mechanical maintenances of conventional machines were organized.The course consisted of 5 modules:

Short-term Courses on Basic Mechanical Maintenance Organized

(i) preventive maintenance

(ii) mechanical drawing

(iii) machine elements

(iv) fault finding and adjustment of accuracy

(v) lubricant management

The course attracted 41 participants from 16 enterprises including Honda, Stanley, Pentax, Cosmos and CNC Vina.HaUI lecturers, who were trained in a Japanese leading manufacturer of conventional machine and a polytechnic university, provided practical knowledge and skills in the above components.In particular, many participants said the module 4 “accuracy adjustment” was very useful.This training course was organized under Output 1 of Project “develop and implement courses and curriculum based on needs of enterprises”.Learning from the success of the course, HaUI should continue to develop the courses carefully analyzing industry’s needs in the future.

  • Thứ Sáu, 15:00 13/04/2012


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