In the morning 20/09/2012, Mr. Takada - President of small and medium enterprises and improvement of area Japan (SMRJ) to visit and work with the school.
Mr. Ha Xuan Quang – Vice Rector of Hanoi University of Industry, JICA-HaUI experts, Leader of Vietnam – Japan Center welcomed Mr. Takada.
On behalf of the school board, Mr. Ha Xuan Quang introduces about the University. Also at the meeting, the Chief Advisor JICA-HaUI introduced about the activities of the project at Hanoi University of Industry
Mr.. Takada and the school board visited the workshops of the Vietnam-Japan Center
Thứ Hai, 09:10 24/09/2012
Bản quyền thuộc về Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội