In the morning 04.15.2012, Mr.STEPHENCONWAY, Director of South Australian Institute of Technology and his wife came to visit and work with school leaders.
TS.Tran DucQuy-School principalsand leadership:InternationalCooperation Department, Faculty ofEducationinternational cooperationand workwith the delegation.
On behalf ofthe schoolleaders,principalsTran Ducyouwereintroduced to the delegationoftheHanoiUniversity of Industryandappreciatethe cooperation ofthe South AustralianInstitute of Technologywith the University ofHanoi in theIndustryrecent pastandexpect inthe coming period, the relationshipbetween thetwosides willcooperatetoachievegood results.
TS. Trần Đức Quý trao quà lưu niệm cho ngài STEPHEN CONWAY
Through visits and working first at the Hanoi University of Industry ,Mr. STEPHEN CONWAY heconveyedhiscongratulationsSouth AustralianEducation Ministerforthe success of thecooperation programbetween thetwosidesat the same timehealsoreaffirmed their determinationto cooperate withuniversitiesinHanoi Industrialtrainingcourses ininformation Technologysectorandbusiness Administrationinnext time.
Representatives of leaders of South Australia Institute of Technology and Leadership University Hanoi Industrialagreed tojointly promotecooperation program,with particular emphasis onimproving the qualityof thetrainingprogram.
STEPHENCONWAY and his wife expressed her joy when visiting facilities spacious andmoderns chool.
Mr. STEPHEN CONWAY and his wife visit to Faculty of International Cooperation and Training.
Thứ Tư, 11:13 25/04/2012
Bản quyền thuộc về Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội