The 5th Anniversary of cooperation between the Hanoi University of Industry and BSE company, Korea

In the afternoon 24/09/2012, at the 2nd floor conference room A11, the school held a ceremony to commemorate five years of cooperation between the Hanoi University of Industry and Beak Suk Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd Company (BSE) in Vietnam and awarded certificates of merit to Mr. Jang Don Hee.

Attending the meeting, the BSE office in Viet Nam, Mr. Jang Don Hee, director of the office BSE representative staffs. On the Hanoi University of Industry representation: The school board, Union, Youth Union, Organization and Administration Department, Training Center VHC, leaders and heads and deputy heads of the units of the company Limited training and labour supply - HaUI.

The 5th Anniversary of cooperation between the Hanoi University of Industry and BSE company, Korea
On behalf of the Management Company Limited training and manpower supply - HaUI, Nguyen Quang Trung, deputy director of the Company report summarizes the process of cooperation between the Hanoi University of Industrial and BSE Office in Vietnam.

The 5th Anniversary of cooperation between the Hanoi University of Industry and BSE company, Korea
In the framework of the international cooperation activities of the school, dated March 2007, Hanoi University of Industry and BSE company signed a cooperation agreement in the field of training and technical manpower supplyhigh working for winning projects BSE in foreign countries.
After five years of cooperation, the two sides have achieved such good results: has established the Center for Korean, Korean language training center in Hanoi University of Industry. BSE companies in Vietnam in collaboration with Training Company Limited and manpower supply - the supply HaUI than 600 employees to work for a period of time in the Middle East and North Africa and to promote more active cooperation.
At the ceremony, the Rector of the school was awarded a Certificate of Merit to Mr. Jang Don Hee has made great contribution in building and developing international cooperation between Hanoi University of Industry with theKorean enterprises.

The 5th Anniversary of cooperation between the Hanoi University of Industry and BSE company, Korea
Speaking at the meeting, on behalf of the officers, teachers, TS. Tran Dua Quy thanks BSE and Mr. Jang Don Hee in 5 years there have been many major contribution to the development of the school. Desired school principal in the future BSE Company and Mr. Jang Don Hee will continue to actively cooperate with the school in many areas, with special emphasis on cooperation in education and training, linking enterprises to develop network of high-quality labor force for the Korean company.

The 5th Anniversary of cooperation between the Hanoi University of Industry and BSE company, Korea
The success of the five-year partnership between the two sides has contributed in no small part in raising brand position and the Hanoi University of Industry, at the same time contribute to the development of friendly and cooperative relations between Vietnam and Korea.

  • Thứ Ba, 08:54 25/09/2012


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