Formerly known as the dision of practical skill training with a long history of development intertwined with the history of the University, the Center for Mechanical Engineering was established on 01/03/2010 under Decision 85/QĐ – ĐHCN by merging divisions of different departments whose functions are training mechanical skills (The practical skill training division of the Faculty of Mechnical Engineering, center for maintenance and mechanical equipment utilization and Vietnam - Korea Center). The Center is charged with the task of offering services realated to mechanical engineering, researching and applying technology in manufacturing, receiving equipment and transferring technology from Korea’s experts, supplying high quality workforce under the partnership between HaUI and domestic, international businesses and organizations and other tasks according to HaUI’s organizational regulations.
+ Research: although the center was only recently established, its staff have continuously strived to develop their skills, and actively participated in research activities. More specifically, in the past 5 years, the center’s staff members have published over 30 articles on domestic and international journals.
+ Other activities: the stadd and students have actively participated in all activities organized by the University and won high prizes in football tournaments for teachers and students.
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