HaUI MC Talents Contest 2023: A Night of Brilliance and Achievement

On the evening of December 26, 2023, the halls of Hanoi University of Industry (HaUI) buzzed with excitement and anticipation as the HaUI MC Talents Contest 2023 reached its grand finale. The event, which had been a showcase of talent and creativity over the past weeks, culminated in a night that celebrated the diverse skills and achievements of HaUI's most gifted students.

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Pressure Makes Diamonds - The Journey of Transformation from a 'Rough Gem' of Nguyen Minh Hieu

Nguyen Minh Hieu - a handsome alumnus of Hanoi University of Industry - is a familiar face in the event MC community in Hanoi. To achieve the successes he enjoys today, Minh Hieu had to confront numerous pressures, and through hard work, he managed to transform himself and leave a lasting impression on the audience, becoming an MC/journalist for VTC News.

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The finale "HaUI MC Talents 2021" contest

Passing nearly 200 contestants, the top 10 best talented MCs of HaUI were present on the final night of the contest "HaUI MC Talents", which took place on March 31, 2021.

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