In the morning 05.03.2012,unionofficials and Hanoi Health Department by a specialist II NguyenThi Thuy - Chief Medical Profession , Hanoi Health Department, Head of delegation and representatives of doctors Thanh Nhan Hospital, Hospital Saint Paul, Hospital Vietnam -Cuba officials and representatives Medical Profession has room to work with the school.
The delegationis Ms. Bui ThiNgan -Vice Rector, head of the local Health, representatives of rooms: Administrative Organization, Finance and Accounting.
On behalf of school leaders, Ms.BuiThi Ngan brief with the delegations of the University of Hanoi Industrial and operation of the Medical School in 2011, orientations and tasks in 2012.
The delegationlist oftechnicalevaluationinhealth carein clinicsandinspection ofschool health, hygiene andfood safetyof the school.
Bác sỹ Nguyễn Thị Thúy kiểm tra thuốc tại Trạm Y tế nhà trường
The inspection teamappreciatedthe attention ofschoolleaderstoexamine and treattheHSSVCBVCandthe entire school.In recent years,the school'sHealth Stationhas organized manypractical activities, the focusis doingthe work ofschool health, hygiene andfood safety.
Based onevaluation results, the delegationwillreport tothe DirectorGeneralHa Noi HealthDepartmentapprovedlistofmedicaltechnologyat theHealth Stationof the University ofHanoi Industrial.
Throughthisevaluationperiod,the school willcontinue toequipthe facilities,theequipmentnecessarytechnicalrequirementslistHanoiHealth Departmentapprovaltobetterservethe medical examinationand treatmentCBVCdisease,HSSVwhole school.
Thứ Hai, 16:03 07/05/2012
Bản quyền thuộc về Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội