Bài báo do nhóm tác giả: Nguyễn Đức Khánh, Nguyễn Tiến Hán, Nguyễn Duy Vinh – Trường ĐHBK và Trường ĐHCNHN. Được đăng tải trên tạp chí RESEARCH ARTICLE - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ngày 25/10/2017.
Abstract: In developing countries, a large number of old-generation diesel engineswithout turbochargers have become popular, and they are themain sources of power in the area of transportation. However, these types of engines have many disadvantages, such as low power and efficiency as well as a large amount of exhaust emissions. Meanwhile, these countries cannot immediately cease their image for them due to the limitations of budge for industry development. In this research, we promote a method to improve the effi- ciency of operation of old model diesel engines used for agricultural machines in Vietnam by retrofitting turbocharg- ers. Consequently, the operating characteristics of retrofitted turbocharger engines have been performed both experimen- tally and using simulation. The research results show that the engine performance and exhaust emission improve dramati- cally when retrofitting suitable turbochargers corresponding with the engines. However, after turbocharging, we also increase the thermal and mechanical stresses of engines. The results indicate that we need to perform in detail to find the best solution for the stable operation of engines.
Keywords: Internal combustion engine · Pollution emissions · Turbocharger · Compressor · Volumetric efficiency
Toàn văn bài báo: tải về tại đây
Thứ Ba, 13:47 07/11/2017
Bản quyền thuộc về Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội