Opening Ceremony of the External Evaluation of four training programs

On March 10, 2022, Hanoi University of Industry in collaboration with the Center for Education Accreditation - Vinh University held the Opening Ceremony of the External Evaluation of 04 training programs: Electrical Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Human Resource Management, Garment and Textile Technology.

Opening Ceremony of the External Evaluation of 04 training programs: Electrical Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Human Resource Management, Garment and Textile TechnologyOverview of the opening ceremony

Attending the opening ceremony, on the site of the Center for Education Accreditation (CEA) - Vinh University and the Assessment team, there were Prof.Dr.Nguyen Huy Bang - Rector of Vinh University, Head of the External Evaluation (EE) team; MSc.Nguyen Dinh Huy - Deputy Director of CEA - Vinh University, a member of EE team; Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha - Secretary of the EE and other members of the team.

On the side of Hanoi University of Industry, there were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Quy - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the University, Chairman of the Self-Evaluation Council (SEC), Assoc. Le Hong Quan - Chairman of the SEC, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pham Van Bong, Dr. Bui Thi Ngan, Dr. Nguyen Van Thien, Dr. Kieu Xuan Thuc - Vice-Rector of the University and members of the SEC, specialized groups, representatives of unions and units in the University, and many lecturers and students of the University attended online at 04 bridge points.

Opening Ceremony of the External Evaluation of 04 training programs: Electrical Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Human Resource Management, Garment and Textile TechnologyAssoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Duc Quy - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of Hanoi University of Industry spoke at the opening ceremony

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Duc Quy - Rector of the University expressed his belief that with experts in the field of quality accreditation, the Assessment team will have fair, objective and accurate assessments of the actual status of training activities of the University. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Duc Quy emphasized: Education quality accreditation is an important activity that the University is always interested in. This is also an opportunity for all leaders, staff and lecturers to review, recognize and evaluate the effectiveness of the activities in a comprehensive way, taking that as the basis for proposing solutions to continuously improve the training quality of the University.

Opening Ceremony of the External Evaluation of 04 training programs: Electrical Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Human Resource Management, Garment and Textile TechnologyProf.Dr. Nguyen Huy Bang - Rector of Vinh University, Head of the External Evaluation team delivered a speech at the event

Speaking at the event, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Huy Bang - Rector of Vinh University, Head of the EE team would like to thank the leaders of Hanoi University of Industry for trusting and choosing the CEA - Vinh University to conduct the assessment of 04 training programs. He hoped to receive the close cooperation and coordination of the University, faculties, functional departments and related individuals in providing information and evidence to serve the work of the Assessment team at the University.

Also at the opening session, leaders of the 4 faculties which are Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Business Administration, and Faculty of Garment Technology & Fashion Design presented an overview of the faculty, the training programs and the process of implementing self-assessment activities.

The official survey takes place in 5 days (from March 10-14, 2022). After the opening ceremony, the assessment team will pore over the evidence and work with the leaders of the University, faculties, departments, centers and related officials and learn about the current status of the classrooms, practice rooms, laboratories, libraries, facilities of the University and interview with other parties to have an objective assessment of 04 accredited training programs.

Some pictures of the opening ceremony:

Opening Ceremony of the External Evaluation of 04 training programs: Electrical Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Human Resource Management, Garment and Textile TechnologyMSc. Gian Hoang Anh - Center for Education Accreditation - Vinh University announced the decision to establish a delegation of External Evaluation team

Opening Ceremony of the External Evaluation of 04 training programs: Electrical Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Human Resource Management, Garment and Textile TechnologyDr. Pham Van Minh - Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering introduced the Faculty and overviewed the training program in Electrical Engineering Technology

Opening Ceremony of the External Evaluation of 04 training programs: Electrical Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Human Resource Management, Garment and Textile TechnologyDr. Hoang Manh Kha - Dean of the Faculty of Electronics Engineering introduced the Faculty and overviewed the training program in Computer Engineering Technology

Opening Ceremony of the External Evaluation of 04 training programs: Electrical Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Human Resource Management, Garment and Textile TechnologyDr. Vu Dinh Khoa - Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration introduced the Faculty and overview of the training program in Human Resource Management

Opening Ceremony of the External Evaluation of 04 training programs: Electrical Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Human Resource Management, Garment and Textile TechnologyAssoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Le - Dean of Faculty of Garment Technology & Fashion Design introduced the Faculty and overview of the training program in Textile and Garment Technology.

Opening Ceremony of the External Evaluation of 04 training programs: Electrical Engineering Technology, Computer Engineering Technology, Human Resource Management, Garment and Textile TechnologyThe delegation took a souvenir photo with the University’s leaders

  • Thứ Sáu, 08:11 11/03/2022

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