A San Diu Girl: Achievements in Academics and a Passion for Reading

During the bustling June days of graduation season, we had the pleasure of meeting Hoang Thi Hoa, a gentle and talented San Diu ethnic student. Hoa's story is one of remarkable academic achievements and a deep passion for reading, which she is determined to share with young people.

A San Diu Girl: Achievements in Academics and a Passion for ReadingHoang Thi Hoa (on the right), is a third-year student of Fashion Design at the Faculty of Garment Technology and Fashion Design, HaUI

Hoang Thi Hoa, hailing from Thai Nguyen, is a third-year student of Fashion Design at the Faculty of Garment Technology and Fashion Design, Hanoi University of Industry (HaUI). The San Diu community, one of the 53 ethnic minority groups in Vietnam, boasts a rich cultural heritage, and Hoa is a proud representative of this heritage.

Hoa's academic journey is nothing short of impressive. As the valedictorian of her faculty, she has maintained an exceptional GPA of 3.6/4. Her dedication to her studies is evident in her numerous accolades. She won the Second Prize for "Scientific Research Student" for the 2022-2023 academic year, a testament to her ability to blend creativity with rigorous academic research.

Her writing skills also earned her third prize in the 2022 library writing contest. In addition, she was honored as the "Typical Young Face 2023" and received a Certificate of Merit for being a "Student with 5 Merits" at the city level in 2023.

Hoa has a deep love for art and fashion. Her studies in fashion design reflect her artistic talents and creative aspirations. She infuses her designs with a unique blend of traditional and contemporary elements.

Hoa's passion for reading is a significant aspect of her life. She believes in the transformative power of books and is committed to inspiring a love for reading among young people. Through her involvement in literary activities and her success in writing contests, she actively promotes literacy and the joys of reading.

Hoa's passion for reading is a significant aspect of her life

Hoa's passion for reading is a significant aspect of her life

Hoa envisions a future where more young people embrace reading, seeing it as a way to expand their knowledge and imagination. Her experiences with books have profoundly shaped her, and she wants to share this gift with others.

As a San Diu girl, Hoa is a cultural ambassador who brings her unique perspective to everything she does. Her achievements and aspirations are deeply rooted in her artistic identity, and she proudly represents her community in all her endeavors. Her work in fashion design and her commitment to spreading the love of reading highlight the rich cultural diversity of Vietnam.

Hoang Thi Hoa's story is about passion, dedication, and inspiration. Her academic excellence, artistic talents, and commitment to promoting reading make her a role model for young people.

A San Diu Girl: Achievements in Academics and a Passion for Reading

  • Tuesday, 10:36 02/07/2024