On August 3rd 2015, Dr. Tran Duc Quy, Rector of Hanoi University of Industry cum Secretary of Communist Party of University met and assigned tasks to university delegation participating in 43rd World Skills Competition.
Dr. Tran Duc Quy- Rector of HaUI in the meeting
Attending the event were Head of Administration and Organization Department, Head of Training Department, President of Trade Union, Secretary of University Youth Union. Representing the Boards of Directors, Dr. Tran Duc Quy assigned the tasks to the university delegation and reminded them to follow the regulations, maintain the best physical conditions for the competition. He also well-wished the delegation to gain the best achievements in the competition.
The World Skills Competition takes place biennially in odd years. In 2015, it is the 43rd time that the competition has been held with 50 trades, which comprise 46 occupational and 4 performance skills. The competition will take place from 05-17/8/2015.Vietnamese Delegation consists of 14 contestants competing in 13 skills. Among these candidates, 2 HaUI students, namely Ngo Van Hien and Duong Tuan Minh, will take part in prototype modelling and plastic moulding technology respectively.
The dispatching ceremony for Vietnam Delegation will be held on August 4th 2015 in Hanoi. The opening ceremony of the 43rd World Skills Competition will take place on August 11th 2015.
Monday, 17:36 03/08/2015
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