Training workshop on formulating strategy, vision and communication; teaching and learning skills in the digital age

On the morning of April 6, 2022 within the framework of the expanded BUILD-IT project, a training session on formulating strategy, vision and communication took place at Hanoi University of Industry. This is the second training session in the series of plans to develop a university strategy.

Training workshop on formulating strategy, vision and communication; teaching and learning skills in the digital ageAn overview of the training session

Attending the training session, there was Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Hong Quan - Chairman of the School Council; Dr. Bui Thi Ngan, Dr. Kieu Xuan Thuc, Dr. Nguyen Van Thien - Vice Rector of the University, and representatives of the University’s departments and centers.

Dr. Tamara Christensen shared at the training session the knowledge about: identifying strategies, visions, goals; develop plans to realize visions, goals, communication to stakeholders (leaders, students, lecturers, communities, businesses, organizations,....), improving relationships with stakeholders, exploring the common ground; asking the question what will happen in the future (say-think-feel-do),…to achieve the vision and goals of the agency or organization.

Training workshop on formulating strategy, vision and communication; teaching and learning skills in the digital ageTraining on formulating strategy, vision and communication

Prior to the session, also within the framework of the expanded BUILD-IT project, in two days from April 4 to 5, the training program "Improving pedagogical, teaching and learning skills in the digital age" with the participation of 60 officials and lecturers at Hanoi University of Industry.

In the training session, there were also Dr. Robert Schoenfeld, Dr. James Cervin - University of Arizona, Ms. Dang Tran Phuong Anh - Country Director of ASU Program in Vietnam. This training session has the theme: Strengthening the practice of personal pedagogy; Teamwork skills; Skills for successful online learning.

Training workshop on formulating strategy, vision and communication; teaching and learning skills in the digital ageAn overview of the training session

The training program consists of 3 sessions: Session 1: Enhancing Personal Pedagogical Practices: Developing your Philosophy of Teaching, Session 2: 21st Century Skills for the Classroom: Teamwork; Session 3: Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age: 8 Skills for Successful Online Learning.

Training workshop on formulating strategy, vision and communication; teaching and learning skills in the digital ageOfficials and lecturers were enthusiastic with practice activities and group work in the training session

Through the training program, Dr. James Cervin emphasized the important contents for lecturers in the 4.0 era: How to build the most effective teaching philosophy with the personal style of each lecturer; The essential soft skills for students in the 21st century, effective teamwork skills in the right methods; Skills for successful online learning in the digital age.

Observing the training sessions, officials and lecturers highly appreciated the practical and close contents presented in the program which help the University officials and lecturers approach teaching methods according to ABET - USA international accreditation standards.

Training workshop on formulating strategy, vision and communication; teaching and learning skills in the digital ageThe University’s officials and lectures received certificates after completing the training program.

Some pictures from the training program on April 4 - 5:

Training workshop on formulating strategy, vision and communication; teaching and learning skills in the digital ageTraining workshop on formulating strategy, vision and communication; teaching and learning skills in the digital ageTraining workshop on formulating strategy, vision and communication; teaching and learning skills in the digital ageTraining workshop on formulating strategy, vision and communication; teaching and learning skills in the digital ageTraining workshop on formulating strategy, vision and communication; teaching and learning skills in the digital ageTraining workshop on formulating strategy, vision and communication; teaching and learning skills in the digital age

  • Thứ Năm, 16:24 07/04/2022

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