National Scientific Conference on "Accounting and auditing in Vietnam in the context of integration, participation in new- generation trade agreements.”

On December 23rd, 2016, at the 4th floor conference room- A1 building, Hanoi University of Industry organized a seminar on "Accounting and auditing in Vietnam in the context of integration, participation in new- generation trade agreements". Scientists from many universities, state administration agencies, professional associations and businesses across the country and representatives of the university mangement board, members of Accounting and auditing Faculty, and members from other Faculties attended the seminar.

National Scientific Conference on `Accounting and auditing in Vietnam in the context of integration, participation in new- generation trade agreements.”

An overview of the seminar

On behalf of the leaders of the university, Vice Rector. Dr. Nguyen Anh Tuan - delivered the opening speech to welcome the delegates attending the workshop.

Vice Rector. Dr. Nguyen Anh Tuan - delivered the opening speech at the seminar

The workshop was organized to evaluate the preparation as well as the implications for businesses, educational institutions of accounting and auditing when Vietnam fully carries out new-generation trade agreements.

After the opening speech of Assc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hung, the delegate of the University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City, many representatives from the University of National Economics, University of Commerce, University of Economics - UD, and Occupational institutions and enterprises had frank exchange opinions on the status of the quality of human resource in accounting and auditing. Also, they made recommendations in order to improve the quality of accounting and auditing training in the period of integration.

National Scientific Conference on `Accounting and auditing in Vietnam in the context of integration, participation in new- generation trade agreements.”

Assc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hung made a speech

Next, the workshop is divided into four subcommittees with themed presentations.

Subcommittee 1: Human Resource Accounting - Auditing in terms of integration and participation in the global trade agreements.

National Scientific Conference on `Accounting and auditing in Vietnam in the context of integration, participation in new- generation trade agreements.”

An overview of the subcommittee 1

Subcommittee 2: Accounting - auditing Training in terms of integration to participate in the international trade agreements.

National Scientific Conference on `Accounting and auditing in Vietnam in the context of integration, participation in new- generation trade agreements.”

An overview of the subcommittee 2

Subcommittee 3: Research of accounting - auditing in the context of integration and participation in the international trade agreements.

National Scientific Conference on `Accounting and auditing in Vietnam in the context of integration, participation in new- generation trade agreements.”

An overview of the subcommittee 3

Subcommittee 4: Research and exchange related accounting - auditing in the context of integration and participation in the global trade agreements.

National Scientific Conference on `Accounting and auditing in Vietnam in the context of integration, participation in new- generation trade agreements.”

An overview of the subcommittee 4

The workshop is a forum for teachers, scientists to exchange views and acquire new knowledge in accounting - auditing in Vietnam in the context of integration, participation in the new - generation of international trade agreements.

  • Wednesday, 09:11 28/12/2016


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