Marketing Journey 2024 Final: A Real-Life Playground for Talented Young Marketers

In a dazzling display of bravery, enthusiasm, and talent, the Marketing Journey 2024 competition has showcased the capabilities of young marketers. This event, with its well-invested projects, methodical research, and realistic marketing strategies, brought forth a plethora of unique and creative ideas. The success of this competition once again underscores the necessity of organizing such valuable academic platforms for economics students.

Marketing Journey 2024 Final: A Real-Life Playground for Talented Young MarketersMarketing Journey 2024 Final: A Real-Life Playground for Talented Young Marketers

Boasting a total scale exceeding 250 million VND and total prizes of over 100 million VND, Marketing Journey 2024 has been a grand spectacle. Within just over two weeks of the contest's launch, the competition saw more than 65 registration applications, attracting over 200 contestants passionate about marketing and communications from all corners of the country.

The competition was structured into multiple rounds, each designed to challenge the participants and bring out their best marketing acumen.

Marketing Journey 2024 Final: A Real-Life Playground for Talented Young Marketers

First Round: In this initial phase, teams applied their classroom knowledge to real business scenarios. Tasks included analyzing market contexts, competitors, and customer profiles. Teams then crafted communication ideas, set action goals, and designed marketing and communication tactics on a realistic scale.

Second Round: The top 02 teams from the first round moved on to a more detailed analysis of target customers, focusing on age, psychology, and usage needs. This led to innovative marketing communication solutions, including strategies using influencers, video content that highlighted brand style, and engaging activities like mini-games and live streaming on platforms such as TikTok.

Marketing Journey 2024 Final: A Real-Life Playground for Talented Young Marketers

Team Huou Linh from the Academy of Journalism and Communication emerged as the Champion of the first season of the Marketing Journey 2024

Among the many talented participants, Team Huou Linh from the Academy of Journalism and Communication emerged as the Champion of the first season of the Marketing Journey 2024 contest. Their comprehensive strategies and creative execution set them apart from their peers.

The runner-up position was claimed by the Fire Warriors Team from Hanoi University of Industry, who also demonstrated remarkable skills and strategic thinking throughout the competition.

Marketing Journey 2024 Final: A Real-Life Playground for Talented Young MarketersThe runner-up was claimed by the Fire Warriors Team from Hanoi University of Industry

Marketing Journey 2024 has not only been a competition but a real-life playground for aspiring young marketers. It provided them with the opportunity to apply their academic knowledge in practical scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding of the marketing landscape. The event’s success highlights the importance of such academic platforms in nurturing the next generation of marketing professionals. As we look forward to future seasons, the excitement and enthusiasm displayed this year promise even greater achievements ahead.

Marketing Journey 2024 Final: A Real-Life Playground for Talented Young MarketersMarketing Journey 2024 Final: A Real-Life Playground for Talented Young MarketersMarketing Journey 2024 Final: A Real-Life Playground for Talented Young Marketers

  • Sunday, 15:03 23/06/2024