A San Diu Girl: Achievements in Academics and a Passion for Reading

During the bustling June days of graduation season, we had the pleasure of meeting Hoang Thi Hoa, a gentle and talented San Diu ethnic student. Hoa's story is one of remarkable academic achievements and a deep passion for reading, which she is determined to share with young people.

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Unlocking the Doors of Knowledge: The Power of Books

In a world inundated with digital distractions, where information is at our fingertips with a mere tap on a screen, the significance of books may seem to dwindle in the eyes of some. However, on the morning of March 29th, at Hanoi University of Industry, more than 400 students gathered to celebrate the timeless allure of books and their wealth of knowledge.

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Launching ceremony of reading movement and writing contest about library

On the morning of May 7, 2022, Hanoi University of Industry held the launching ceremony of reading movement and writing contest about the library, in order to excite the enthusiasm for reading, encourage sharing, and disseminate reading culture; at the same time, it is an opportunity for students to propose ideas to develop reading culture and improve library activities of the University.

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