Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021

On the morning of January 8, Hanoi University of Industry held a conference to implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW dated May 18, 2021 of the Politburo on further implementation of Directive No. 05-CT/TW, dated 15 May 2016, of the 12th Politburo on “Promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and style”; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021. The conference was held online at 13 bridge points, with the participation of 718 Party members of the University.

At the Conference, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Quy - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the University implemented the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW dated May 18, 2021, of the Politburo on continuing the implementation of Directive No. 05-CT/TW dated May 15, 2016, of the 12th Politburo on “Promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style. The Secretary of the Party Committee emphasized: The Resolution of the 13th Party Congress is a profound summary of theory and practice, crystallizing the intellect, will and aspirations of the entire Party, people and army; setting out directions and tasks for socio-economic development in the 5 years from 2021 to 2025; determining the socio-economic development strategy to 2030 and the country's development vision to 2045; having the value of orienting and leading activities of the Party, State and society.

Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Quy - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the University implemented the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress at the Conference

Key tasks for the 13th tenure:

(1) Continue to promote the building and rectification of the Party and State, building a socialist rule-of-law State and a pure and strong political system. Renovating the Party's leadership and ruling methods. Building a streamlined apparatus for the political system that operates in an effective fashion. Continue to fight against bureaucracy, corruption, wastefulness, "group interests", and manifestations of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation” within the Party. Building a contingent of cadres at all levels, particularly at a strategic level with sufficient qualities, capabilities and prestige on a par with their mission. Consolidate the people's trust and attachment to the Party, State and the socialist regime.

(2) Focusing on controlling the COVID-19 pandemic, providing the community with mass inoculation; restoring socio-economic development, reforming the growth model, and promoting economic restructuring, building and improving the quality of the comprehensive, synchronous, modern and integrated market economic institutions; developing synchronously and creating linkages between areas, regions, economic sectors, production and business types; having policies to effectively support enterprises in agriculture; stepping up research, transfer and application of scientific and technological advances and innovation, especially achievements of the fourth industrial revolution, implementing national digital transformation, improving productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy; mobilize, allocate and effectively use investment resources, creating a driving force for rapid and sustainable economic development; perfecting the legal system, especially the law on intellectual property protection and settlement of civil disputes, overcoming bottlenecks hindering the development of the country.

(3) Maintaining independence and self-reliance, continuing to improve the quality and efficiency of external activities and global integration; strengthening national defense and security potentials, building the People's Army and the Revolutionary People's Public Security to be revolutionary, regular, elite, gradually modernized, a number of forces moving straight to modernity, creating a solid foundation to build a revolutionary, regular, elite and modern People's Army and People's Police by 2030; resolutely and persistently struggling to firmly protect independence, sovereignty, unification, territorial integrity, airspace and sea; maintain a peaceful and stable environment for development.

(4) Evoking the aspiration to develop a prosperous and happy country; promoting Vietnamese cultural values ​​and human strength in the cause of national construction and defense, and global integration; having specific policies to develop ethnic minority culture; well implementing social policies, ensuring social security and human security, creating strong changes in social development management, practicing social progress and justice, improving quality of life and happiness index of Vietnamese people.

(5) Perfecting synchronously the legal system, mechanisms and policies in order to strongly promote socialist democracy and the people's right to mastery; at the same time building a clean and strong socialist rule-of-law State of Vietnam; implementing judicial reform, strengthening the legal system, ensuring social discipline, first of all, being exemplary in following the law and practicing socialist democracy by the Party committees, party organizations, authorities, the Vietnamese Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations at all levels, of cadres and party members; strengthen national unity.

(6) Strictly managing and effectively using land and resources; protecting and improving the environment; proactively and actively implementing solutions to adapt to climate change and extreme natural disasters.

Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021Delegates to the Conference

Strategic breakthroughs:

(1) Completing synchronously the development institution, first of all, the institution of developing a socialist-oriented market economy. Renovating national governance towards modernity and effective competition. Focusing on prioritizing synchronous and quality improvement and well organizing the implementation of the legal system, mechanisms and policies, creating a favorable, healthy and fair investment and business environment for all economic sectors, promoting innovation; effectively mobilizing, managing and using all resources for development, especially lands, finance, public-private cooperation; stepping up decentralization and decentralization in a reasonable and effective manner, and at the same time strengthening the inspection, supervision and controlling of power by the legal system.

(2) Developing human resources, especially high-quality human resources; prioritizing the development of human resources for leadership, management and key fields on the basis of improving and creating a strong, comprehensive and fundamental change in the quality of education and training associated with the institution. mechanism of recruitment, use and treatment of talents, promotion of research, transfer, application and strong development of science - technology and innovation; evoking the aspiration to develop a prosperous and happy country, promoting Vietnamese cultural values, human strength, solidarity and national pride in the cause of national construction and defense.

(3) Building a synchronous and modern infrastructure system in both economic and social terms; giving priority to the development of a number of national key projects on traffic and climate change adaptation; focusing on developing information and telecommunications infrastructure, creating a foundation for national digital transformation, gradually developing the digital economy and digital society.

The Party Committee of Hanoi University of Industry will deploy specific programs and plans to the branches and Party members, linking the tasks with the University’s practice so that the Resolution of the 13th Congress and policies and directions of the Party really come to life.

Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021The conference took place online with 13 bridge points at Hanoi University of Industry

Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021

Report on the Party building in 2021 and key tasks in the first 6 months of 2022, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Quy - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the University emphasized: In the last 6 months of 2021, despite the complicated and prolonged development of the Covid-19 epidemic, affecting all activities of the University, the Party Committee has comprehensively led the University’s activities, successfully completed the key tasks:

1. Completing the enrollment target for the academic year 2021-2022; organizing training programs in accordance with the developments of the Covid 19 epidemic; effectively and safely organizing the Covid-19 disease prevention and control according to the directives of superiors as well as vaccinating 100% of staff, employees and boarding students; continuing to effectively implement innovation in higher education (establishing the School of Languages ​​and Tourism which is a member university of Hanoi University of Industry; continuing to administer the University according to the model of an electronic university and implementing a number of university development project,...); successfully completing professional activities in all fields, in which science, technology and digital transformation activities had breakthrough developments to new heights.

2. Organizing the Conference of Officials and Employees and Summarizing the 2020-2021 school year from unit to university level with appropriate, practical and effective form and content.

3. Organizing the election of the University Council for the period 2022 - 2026 and implementing the process of appointing 02 university leaders.

Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Quy - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the University summarized the Party building in 2021

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Quy highlighted some outstanding results in Party building such as:

- Organizing thematic study guide for the entire term of the 13th Party Congress "Learning and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style on the will to self-reliance and aspiration to develop a prosperous and happy country " and implementation plan Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW, dated May 18, 2021, of the Politburo on continuing to implement Directive No. 05 on “promoting learning and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style".

- Organizing 02 classes "Political training for candidates admitted to the Party" for 408 elite staff members and 01 class "Political training for new Party members" in 2021 for 92 reserve members. The Party Committee has admitted 58 new members, including 31 students

- Conducting self-criticism and criticism in 2021 for the Executive Committee of the Party Committee. 2021 with 07 Party cells achieving "Excellent completion of tasks" with the rate of 21.2%; 24 Party cells achieving "Completing tasks well" with the rate of 72.7%.

Deploying the tasks of the first 6 months of 2022, the University’s Party Committee set out the key tasks to be performed which are:

1. Organizing and implementing the guidelines and policies of the Party, laws of the State, resolutions, directives, decisions and conclusions of the City Party Committee and Party Committee timely and effectively.

2. Implementing the 2022 enrollment plan in line with new regulations in the direction of diversifying recruitment methods. Continuing to develop training programs according to international standards, 100% of the programs are designed according to the CDIO model, increasing the number of combined teaching and online learning modules; innovating teaching and learning methods to effectively meet social requirements.

3. Promoting scientific research, promoting publication in prestigious international scientific journals.

4. Continuing to innovate, improve university governance capacity, towards university governance 4.0;

5. Announcing the establishment of the School of Languages ​​and Tourism under Hanoi University of Industry. Gradually implementing the project “Hanoi University of Industry governance model transformation”; developing the brand and culture of Hanoi University of Industry.

6. Implementing effectively the educational tasks of revolutionary ideals, political ideas, ethics, lifestyle, life skills, career skills for students; strengthening the forecast of human resource needs; linking training programs with market demands to increase the employment rate of graduates from 6 months to 1 year reaching 95%-98%.

7. Leading organizations so that they operate practically and effectively; organizing congresses of Youth Unions at all levels towards the 10th Youth Union Congress of the University in the period 2022-2024.

Commendation in 2021

The conference provided rewards to outstanding individuals who successfully completed tasks of 2021.

Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Quy - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the University and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Dong - Head of Science and Technology Department, Chairman of the University's Trade Union received the Certificate of Merit for outstanding individuals of Industry and Trade in the period 2016-2021.

Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021Dr. Nguyen Anh Tuan - Former Vice President, Mr. Nguyen Van Luoi - Head of Medical Station and Mr. Nguyen Dinh Duc - Former Deputy Director of Dormitory Management Center received the Certificate of Comprehensive Merit from the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor

Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Duc Quy - Secretary of the Party Committee, Rector of the University congratulated Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Dong on the honor of being awarded the title of Distinguished Teacher by the President

Some pictures from the Conference:

Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021Conference on implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; Summary of Party building and rewards in 2021

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